Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Freight Train - Alan Jackson (Album Review)

This is the first time I'm listening to Alan Jackson but this album definitely got me hooked! I love his voice and the country twang in it!

I got to know Jackson through a recent issue of Billboard Magazine which featured him on the cover. At that time, I wasn't really interested about him because I've never heard any of his songs before. Big Tim McGraw fan, though. I skimmed through the article and decided on the spur of the moment to get a copy of his album, just in case I might find it to my liking.
And hell I'm glad I did! Because of my love for ballads, I was glad to find that most of the songs here were to ballads! Not to fear, there are also some great country tracks here that will get you on your feet and dancing in no time! My current favourites are ..... well, the whole album, dammit, because it's so good!

For those who love LeAnn Womack, there's a duet between her and Jackson on the 8th track fo the album, called Till The End. It's hauntingly beautiful! And so romantic! Ok, maybe I should add it to my list of favorites!

Quoting one of my most-visited blogs, Got Country:
"Jackson is currently climbing the country airplay Top 20 with “It’s Just That Way,” the first single from Freight Train, which includes a dozen tracks, eight of which bear Jackson’s songwriting credit."

So go out there and get this album, guys, 'cause it's one thing you definitely won't want to miss!


  1. dude.. dont get me wrong, but i just wondering are you gay or bi? just asking la, don't be angry. i'm a bi...

  2. I'm straight, but I don't have to be gay to support gay rights, just like we don't have to be women or animals to support women and animal rights. These people have been misunderstood for so long that it's time someone who understands speaks up for them. I'm trying to show that LGBT's are not monsters or freaks, they're human just like you and me.

    Anyway, why are you commenting on this post?
