Tuesday, March 23, 2010

When anyone asks me what I've been doing for the past few months, I immediately say "I've been learning to drive." Which they'll reply with "So you can drive now?" and I'll just say no. End of conversation. Well, I could've said a lot else but the other things I'vve been doing might freak some people out, so I thought it would be better to remain silent on the other issues.

Ok, among those things I'd prefer some people not know is the fact that I've been cooking daily. Yes, I find it fun. Yes, if I told people they'll just think I've gone crazy or something. So yes, it's better for them to remain in the dark for the moment, except those who are currently reading this now. :-P

Another thing I've been doing is spreading awareness about LGBTs. That's gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender, in case you don't know. Most people's immediate reaction to this would be "OMG, you're gay?" and I'd have to patiently say "No, I'm not.". Then they'll say "Why the hell are you supporting gays then?" It takes a while to explain to them that we don't have to be gays to support their rights, just like us not having to be women to support their rights. And sometimes it's hard to think of something to say so, well, just saying nothing is best.

Recently I've sent a letter to The Star, trying to shed some light on the LGBT issue here in Malaysia. But they didn't publish it so I was a little disappointed and rather annoyed since they published other people's letter on the same issue. Maybe it was a little long, but still, I'd like to bring to light certain things about LGBTs that those homophobes don't know, or maybe they just don't care, who knows?
Anyway, I've been watching Glee and I'm now the newest gleek on the planet! My favourite song right now is Defying Gravity, performed by Rachel and Kurt in the series. They have the two of the  best voices in the show, and another would be Mercedes. Her vocals equal those of Mary J. Blige and it's astounding how she once auditioned for American Idol and didn't get through. What were they thinking?

Out of all the characters, I find Kurt and Artie the most endearing as they're the sweetest of the lot. Ok, they're a gay and a cripple, but so what? Kurt is simply sweet with his dad and Artie's scenes are particularly touching, especially the one where he sang Dancing With Myself. And there're also countless touching scenes that make me want to cry sometimes. Not to say Glee doesn't have its flaws, but I'm willing to forgive them since everything else works wonderfully!

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