Wednesday, May 12, 2010

24 : "Go to hell." "You first."

After executing Dana, Jack finally has the evidence he needs. He sends it to his friend (sorry, don't remember his name) and they locate the guy in the video, who is the shooter who killed Renee. Not knowing where to find him , Jack decides to set a trap, using Meredith as bait. He calls her and tells her that he has evidence that the russians were behind the day's attacks, and gave her a meeting place to get it from him.
CTU overhears the conversation, like Jack knew they would, and Pillar (Logan's aide) contacts the Russians and tells them to be there for Jack. However, everything goes awry when Jack arrived with full knowledge of the Russians presence, and kills them all, dragging meredith to safety. His friend takes the shooter hostage, and they bring both of them to an abandoned warehouse.

There, Jack shows a very angry Meredith the video, then asks his friend to hold her hostage while he tortures the shooter for names. Using a pair of plyers, a knife, some salt water, and even a blowtorch, Jack failed to get the evidence. Then he remembers the guy's phone, but apparently he swallowed the SIM card when Jack wasn't looking. Bad idea. Jack grabs the knife, disembowels him and removes the bloody card. Ouch.

Turning on the phone, Jack calls the first number he sees, and it turns out to be Logan's. Looks like he's going to suffer very very soon.

Back at CTU, Chloe finally decides that Jack was right and wanted to help him. So the first thing she did was to question Cole, who had been arrested, but he only knew that Jack had a contact in the city. So, with Arlo's help, Chloe searches through the database, trying to find the mysterious man in order to locate Jack.

Atthe White House, Logan reminds President Taylor that she must remember to tell America about his contributions to the peace treaty. As far as I saw it, the only thing he did was to make a horrific mess of it, but being the dumb bitch she is, the president agrees. Looks like Logan's going to use this opportunity to reduce the disgrace in his name.
That's all there is to the episode. I know, it's pretty short but nothing much else happens. Pretty exciting episode though, especially the torture scenes involving Jack and the shooter. Now that Jack knows it's Logan, it's only a matter of time before Logan reveals the name of the Russian diplomat to Jack, as he's always only interested in saving his own skin. Hopefully Jack kills him anyway. Three episodes remain. Who will be eliminated next? (LOL, Survivor style!)

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