Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Lost : NO!!!!!!!!

OMG, still can't believe that Sun and Jin are dead! Their reunion only lasted one episode? That's harsh, guys. And what happens to their daughter now? Jin is seriously an idiot. "I won't leave you because I love you so let's die together and leave our poor infant daughter an orphan." WTF? Why did Sun even let him do it? Instead of kissing him, she should be shoving him away, telling him to take care of their daughter. Really really unhappy with this scene.

To the beginning again. In the flash-sideways, Jack manages to save Locke's life after Desmond ran him over (is he trying to give Locke a near-death experience like what Charlie did to him) and suggests a new procedure that would enable him to walk again. However, he rejects it, and Jack tries many ways to get him to agree, including locating Locke's dentist, who happens to be Bernard (what a coincidence!) and asking him about Locke's accident. Jack was given the name Anthony cooper and he soon found him at a nursing home, paralysed. 

Apparently, in this world, Locke had tried to fly a plane with his dad in it but ended up crashing the plane, paralysing half his body and his father in the process. Because of guilt, he refuses any treatment. That is, until Jack told him, "I can't help you John. You should've trusted me." This causes Locke to pause for a moment, before continuing to push his wheelchair away from Jack.

Back on the island, the escaped Losties are put in their old cage, and surrounded by the electric fence. But Sayid stopped the generator, Smokey killed the guards and Jack let them out. Which was really convenient. I wonder why Widmore put them in there in the first place. He had told Sawyer that it was to protect them (well, Smokey was going to kill them) but why make it so easy for them to be rescued? It didn't make much sense.

They head for the plane, where Locke again kills the guards and finds a bomb wired in the plane. He pulls it out and stores it in his backpack, later telling everyone that Widmore wanted them to board that plane so he could kill them all. But why did Widmore want them dead? Or did someone else put it there (like Sayid, for instance)? I seriously doubt the bomb was in the re from LA, so it must have gotten on at the island.

Locke tells them to get on the sub instead, because he wasn't sure if the plane was wired with more explosives, and they followed his orders. While breaking in, Kate got shot and Jack shoved Smokey into the water. They dive, leaving Locke and Claire behind on Hydra Island. Claire runs towards it, but Locke grabs her, saying that she wouldn't want to be on that submarine.

In the sub, Jack discovers a bomb in his pack (put there by Smokey) and tells them to leave it alone because they won't diesince Smokey set the bomb and he can't kill them. Smokey put them there so that they would kill each other, and his plan worked, when Sawyer pulled out the bomb's wires, causing the timer to go even faster. Sayid grabbed the bomb, telling Jack where Desmond is and that Jack is 'the one', before grabbing the bomb and running away. It explodes, killing Sayid and destroying the sub.

Jack, Kate, Hurley and Sawyer escape. Jin stayed behind because Sun was stuck and he wouldn't leave her. Lapidus disappeared. Wonder where he went. Maybe he drowned because he didn't have the oxygen tank. Or maybe he was saving Jin (still feeling hopeful). Anyway, the 4 remaining survivors gather on the beach, where Jack is suddenly remorseful for trusting Smokey and getting them killed.

At the dock, Smokey and Claire sit waiting. Apparently, Smokey knew that they didn't all die (Claire sounded genuinely sad) and sets out to 'finish what he started'. Is he going to kill them? But he can't, right? Or can he? This is confusing. And I thought Sayid is some kind of black smoke or island spirit, which is why he came back to life after dying. Why did he sacrifice himself for the rest? He stopped feeling anything (he told Smokey this), so he can't be the real Sayid right? Or did what Desmond say change him? Or maybe he just got pissed at Smokey for tricking him. Who knows?

We're now approcahing the end of Lost, The End. Who can predict how it will end? I certainly can't. Still praying for a happy ending for Locke and Helen, and Jin and Sun. Don't really care about the rest. If they can't get a happy life on the island, maybe they will, off-island. Well, I'll just have to wait and see, just like the rest of you.


  1. Ohh no!!!! The Korean couple is dead?! >.< But who knows, they might come back to life. All the bizarre things happened in Lost. =P

  2. They're still alive in the other universe, like Locke and Sayid. They're only dead on the island. Which season are you at?

  3. Ohh really? Hmm... I don't know which season. I used to watch randomly because of conflicting schedules (tuition classes during Form 4, 5, & 6) so I don't really know the story goes. Nevertheless, Jin and Sun are among my favourite characters. Mind to clarify my random pieces of memory of Lost? Kind of "lost" haha... I think I'm way, way behind...

    1) French woman
    2) Polar bear
    3) Other mysterious survivors (I think they are called the Others. Is it?)
    4) The first time I saw Dharma Initiative

    These are the things I remembered from random episodes. I don't really know the storyline because of my random watching but I still enjoy the sense of mystery and darkness haha...

    P.S: Sorry for the lengthy reply, I'm free at home, semester break, haha... By the way, how's your progress and plans for further studies?

  4. 1 . French woman's name is Rousseau, she arrived on the island many years ago with her team, who were all taken over by the black smoke which controls the island and she was forced to kill them all. However, she had a daughter, Alex, who was kidnapped by Benjamin Linus while she was still a baby.

    2 . No idea what the polar bear is, probably the smoke monster.

    3 . The others are the people who stay on the island under the island's mysterious guardian, Jacob. They are the enemies of the Dharma Initiative.

    4 . The Dharma Initiative is doing some sort of research to discover the powerful electromagnetic force originating from the island.

    A lot more to explain, but you get the gist of it. After all, it has been 6 seasons already and only 3 episodes left before the finale, so a lot of stuff had happened since the last time you watched it.

    I'm currently staying at home, waiting to see if I'm lucky enough to be given a scholarship. Went for interviews for JPA, Bank Negara and Khazanah but I didn't get Khazanah. Not sure about the other 2. I'm planning to study accounting, hopefully overseas. Now I'm just spending time watching TV shows and reading books.

    What about you? How are your studies going right now?
