Saturday, April 10, 2010

Breaking Bad : One of the Best I've Ever Seen

Breaking Bad portrays a cast of characters with a surprising amount of emotional depth. It shows us how thin the line between good and evil is and how easily we can overstep it. Hail Breaking Bad, for getting me hooked on what is now one of my favorite series EVER.

50-year-old man. Overly qualified high school chemistry teacher. Wife with a baby on the way. Teenage son with cerebral palsy. Juggling jobs to keep his family afloat. Then he discovers that he has lung cancer. Meet Walter White.

Played by a brilliant Bryan Cranston (two-time Emmy winner in '08 and '09), Walter White realises that if he dies, there'll be no one to provide for his family. So, he's determined to do one thing. Make sure his family has enough money before he checks out.
And the solution comes up to him. To use his chemistry skills to create and sell the purest methamphetamine crystals ever. Teaming up with a former student, Jesse Pinkman, (played by Aaron Paul, nominated for an Emmy last year for Best Supporting Actor) he breaks bad and starts cooking crystal meth in an RV in the middle of the desert.

Breaking Bad is a really dark show. You have to admit that. what you see is not pretty, but you have to admit, it's reality. And reality sucks. Driven by desperation, an honest, loving family man turns to a life of crime to support his family. He has the right intentions, I agree, but that does not condone what he is doing. Having said that, I still root for his character, because Walt has been dealt some pretty harsh blows by the world.

Walt is a character whom you'll really feel for. He tries so hard to provide for his family, but in all the wrong ways. But Walt is human. He is flawed, like all of us. Maybe that's why we like him. We can identify with him. He's just like us, someone who makes the wrong decisions in life. Selling meth is wrong, but you can't really blame Walt for not willing to let his family starve.

Vince Gilligan, the creator, is a genius. To be able to create such a brilliant series is unthinkable. The plot is riveting, the characters are flawed, and the scenes are so darn moving I felt like crying sometimes. The only other show that could make me shed tears is Glee, but Breaking Bad is way ahead of that.

Seriously, you have to watch this. It's so good that I'm probably not doing justice to it with my brief review, but it's the best I can do. In my point of view, it has surpassed even House, which is also one of my favorite. Breaking Bad is not available in our country (most probably because the censors will go crazy with it) but you can get in online or on DVD. It's worth every cent and every second. Seriously.

The following video is the making of Breaking Bad. It contains scenes from the pilot, and hell, they are awesome!

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