Sunday, April 18, 2010

Kane and Abel - Jeffrey Archer (Book Review)

This is a really old book, but since I'm recently delving into the works of Jeffrey Archer, I haven't had the chance to consume this wonderful masterpiece until a few days ago, when I bought it from a second hand bookshop in Ipoh. But whatever the price, it's worth it, because Jeffrey Archer once again proves what a mesmerising and absorbing storyteller he is.

Kane and Abel tells the stories of two men, William Kane and Abel Rosnovski (originally Wladek Koskiewicz). Born on different sides of the world (Poland and the US), they faced their own struggles since childhood and grew up to become strong, independent men. However, due to unfortunate circumstances, they become rivals, and are intent on destroying each other, causing a rift between two families who would have been close if the fight hadn't started. It worsened when their children met and fell in love against their wishes.

Against a backdrop of a developing world, set in the era of both world wars, Kane and Abel unfolds across three generations of two of the most inspiring and independent men ever.

The story alternates between Abel and William's lives, describing how they grew up side by side, but actually millions of miles away. To compare, Abel had it worse, as an immigrant and prisoner of war. William led a comfortable life, but it isn't without struggles. In the end, we don't really blame Abel for doing what he did because after all, he suffered so much as a child. With all the hatred culminated since his early years, it is understandable why he chose to let it out upon William, whom he saw as a rich bastard. William actually helped him without his knowledge to rebuild his hotels, but he never knew till after William died.

I'm probably not doing the novel justice, because of all the subplots that I can't describe without confusing all of you. But trust me when I say that it makes an excellent, unputdownable read, because, well, if you know Jeffrey Archer, you'll understand.

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