Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Everybody Loves Hugo? Imaginary World, Yeah. Island, No.

In this week's Hurley-centric episode, we see Hurley's life improve tremendously in sideways world. He's a famous and succesful businessman who is loved by everyone. Cool. But then he meets Libby by chance when his blind date didn't show up. She tells him that somehow, she knew him and that they belonged together. Moments later, she gets carted off to a psychiatric hospital. Woo, not very convincing isn't it? But Hurley meets up with Desmond, who convinces him to give Libby a second chance. He visits her at the mental institution and brings her out on a date. When they kiss, Hurley remembers everything. Wow.

On the island, Ilana blows herself up with dynamite, and while Richard tries to get more to destroy the plane, Hurley meets a dead Micahel who tells him to stop Richard or people will die. So he blows up the Black Rock and bye bye dynamite. Hurley then insisted they go see Locke, and the team is split, with Richard, Ben and Miles going to the Dharma for explosives, while Hurley, Jack, Sun and Lapidus going to see Locke.

Desmond returns to camp with Sayid, and Smokey takes him out to the well where Locke returned to the world. He asks Desmond "Why aren't you afraid of me?" and Desmond wonders why he should be. His question was answered moments later when Smokey threw him down the well. Ouch.

Hmmm....all in all a pretty interesting episode. We finally find out what the whispers on the island were, and that the people in the flash-sideways somehow know about the island, but it is buried too deeply in their subconscious. Desmond is supposed to wake them up somehow, and he ends the episode by surprisingly attempting to murder Locke with his car. Ben hurries to Locke's aid, but as he twitches on the ground, I seriously wonder if Locke will end up dead in the sideways world as well. Poor Helen.

So, theories anyone? I seriously wonder what would happen now, since Ilana the protector got blown up. With nobody to protect them, Hurley, Sun, Kate and Lapidus eet up with team Smokey. Kate seems pretty happy to see Jack again. What a girl. Locke too seems happy that now all the candidates are gathered together in one place. Well, except Jin that is.

5 episodes left. What will happen next?

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