Saturday, April 10, 2010

Lost : Only 6 Episodes Left

So, to all Losties out there, ONLY 6 EPISODES LEFT! I mean, wow! Last week we finally saw the connection between the present and the flash-sideways. Apparently those in the flash-sideways are in an imaginary world, caused by the detonation of Jughead back in Season 5. Strangely, everything that happened to them on the island before has also taken place off the island. Weird, huh? I mean, Jack still has his scar from the surgery, Charlie remembers Claire and Desmond, oh Desmond, is in love with Penny without even meeting her in the first place.

So, what happens next? Certain reviewers have said that the flash-sideways is the life they had always dreamed of. Jack had a son. Kate escaped from custody. Locke is marrying Helen. Hurley is a manager of a large company. Sawyer is a police officer. Desmond is a single, career-driven man. Daniel is a piano player. But there's something missing from this picture. Jin and Sun. Last tiem we saw them, Sun was shot in the stomach and she was PREGNANT! So, definitely no happy ending for them, goodbye to Ji-Yeon.

Do you still think that alternate reality is a happy one? No, I don't. But I wish it's the epilogue though, because Locke does deserve happiness after everything that happened to him in the past 5 seasons. Still, poor Sun. To lose her baby like that. There are certain theories that both realities will converge soon, and Desmond has something to do with it. Seeing from the previous episode, Desmond is the only one who can travel alternately between the two worlds and still remain the same person.

My head hurts from figuring out all this. Maybe it's best to just let the season play out till the end. Hopefully we'll all get the answers we want by then. Lost is now by far my favorite show, due to its air of mystery and unpredictability. (Breaking Bad is rapidly catching up, though) So, hurrah to the first show I can't predict what happens next. And let's hope that remains the same way until it is all over.

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